Gift Month St Andrew’s Springfield (#GiftMonthStAS)
We have designated July as Gift Month, with the aim of raising $15,000 to help support some of our key ministries.
$5,000 - Children and Youth Ministry
$5,000 - Carnival of Light
$5,000 - Youth and Young Adult Ministry (we are currently in the process of appointing a Young Adults Coordinator)
We hope to raise the funds through additional one-off gifts from the congregation and by pledges to increase existing regular giving amounts. Please prayerfully consider making a payment by B-Pay or bank transfer, ensuring to label your gift, GiftMonthStAS, so that it can be easily identified.
During the month of July we will supply weekly updates on how much is given and how much is left to reach our target.
Let's work together to provide the means to keep expanding our ministries!
Click the button to select the way you would like to give and add the hashtag #GiftMonthStAS as reference to your contribution.