'We are committed to nurturing our children’s faith in a safe, fun and encouraging environment. Under the supervision of our brilliant Kid’s Church team, the children have their own, age appropriate bible teaching, songs, games, activities and fellowship every Sunday, except the first Sunday of each month, when we have a family friendly All Age Service, with the whole church worshipping together for the duration’.

Jesus called for them and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.”
— Luke 18: 16

Creche is for our youngest children aged 0-5, helping lay solid Biblical foundations in their hearts and lives.  They engage in a variety of self-directed play with hands-on Bible learning and age-appropriate crafts and games.  They focus on key concepts from the weekly passage such as “I can trust God” and “God made me”.

Kids Church is our Primary School group who learn the Bible in fun and creative ways, with interactive teaching, crafts, puzzles and games! We seek to ensure the Bible is made real and relevant to our children’s lives as we support them in their faith journey.

Youth Church is for our High School students, where we dive more deeply into God’s word.  Similar to a Bible study format, our program includes teaching, Bible reading, prayer and discussions relevant to today’s youth.

