If you would like to get more involved in the life of our church, choose from the options below. Alternatively, feel free to get in contact with us.

1. Become a Member

If you see St Andrew’s as your home church, you’re invited to become an official member. Membership is about inviting people to opt in to who we are and what we believe – with this comes certain rights and responsibilities. Rights include being able to vote on matters at the Annual Meeting and eligibility for nomination to the Parish Council. Responsibilities include contributing to the life and ministry of the church through prayer, service, and giving.

2. Join a Small Group

We call our small groups ‘Hubs’ and they are an amazing opportunity to explore Sunday’s message, pray for and support one another, develop friendships, and help each other deepen our trust in Jesus. We currently have groups meeting on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings and a Young Adults Hub that meets on Sunday evenings.

3. Join a Team

Using our gifts and time to build up God’s church is a great privilege and the responsibility of every follower of Jesus. At St Andrew’s, we have a wide range of ministry opportunities across a broad number of teams, including: music, welcome, hospitality, tech and children’s ministry.

4. Partner Financially

The finances of our church are dependent upon the generous and sacrificial giving of our members. There are four ways in which our members can give:

Direct Debit
ANFIN Parish Direct
BPoint Payment
Cheque or Cash (Cash currently suspended due to Covid-19 restrictions)