The Parable of the Rich Fool
A bible with the words Jesus’ Parables above it
The Parable of the Sower (All Age Service)
A bible with the words Jesus’ Parables above it
Honouring God by Being Thankful (Testimonies)
The Joy of Jesus
Maundy Thursday 2024
The Gospel and the Spirit
The Magi’s Visit - Searching for Jesus
Suffering in the World
Real Faith Speaks
Jesus, his court case, sentence, execution and then....? (Good Friday 2023)
Peace Not Confusion
New Creation
Next Steps in Evangelism
How did you hear about the Good News of Jesus Christ? Who first explained the Christian Message to you? If you're listening to this, it is almost certain that someone told you about Jesus at some point. Each and every person who has given their life to Christ is called to go on advancing the Gospel in one way or another. We are all called to proclaim the Good News of Jesus.
The King Is Dead - Long Live the King
Good Friday 2021
The Parable of Sower
Counterfeit Gifts
James 1:13-18