Rob's journey to Memory Mountain

In the 1920's and group of four aboriginal pastors visited the community of Akundgi near Hasst's bluff west of Alice Springs on a mission to introduce Christ. It was recognised at the time by elders of the community as a welcome event as they had had 'dreams' that indicated this event was coming and they readily accepted the invitation to have Jesus as their saviour and hundreds were baptised in weeks following from this and other communities in the surrounding area.

The place these missionaries met the community elders was on the flat area underneath what is known as Memory Mountain. A monument was erected to commemorate the event and the community remain strong and dedicated Christians to this day.

About 15yrs ago, the elders approached a world renowned photographer (Ken Duncan) to help them build on visions that they had of a cross being placed on Memory Mountain, which Ken agreed to do. Many trials were encountered on the journey to complete the construction of the Cross, but they were all overcome and the cross was unveiled at Easter in  2023.

The people of this community have a deep love of God and believe that the cross at the centre of our continent is a stepping stone to the eventual revival that will come to our Nation through the Holy Spirit descending on the area and sweeping across the nation making our nation the Great South Land of the Holy Spririt, where all people will be united in Christ.

I feel extremely honoured to have had the opportunity to visit this community and experience the prescence of God in our arid centre to hear and witness testaments to their faith in our saviour.

Article by Rob Mahony

People are welcome to visit. Trips can be organised through the following link