Why ‘Maundy Thursday, and What’s Good About Friday?
Rev Charlie (April 2025)
As Holy Week approaches, so too do Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. I am often asked about the origin of the word 'Maundy' and why a day marked by heinous violence against God is called 'Good'. Let us consider each of these days in turn.
First, Maundy Thursday - the day when Jesus gathered with his disciples in the upper room for the Last Supper. During this time, Jesus prepared his disciples for the horror and sorrow of his crucifixion and imparted important teachings. Perhaps the best known of these teachings comes from John 13: 34-35:
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
The word 'Maundy' comes from this verse, derived from the Latin mandatum, meaning 'command'. The words, ‘a new command’ would be translated as mandatum novum.
Maundy Thursday is the day Jesus commanded his disciples to love one another as he had loved them. The following day, Good Friday, reveals the full extent of his love, not just for his disciples, but for all humanity.
But how can there be anything ‘good’ about the cruel torture and execution of a loving and benevolent God? Well, the term ‘Good Friday’ was not originally coined to suggest that Jesus’ crucifixion was good. Instead, it likely originated in the third century, with ‘good’ being a shortened form of the Germanic word ‘Goodes’, which means ‘God’s’ or ‘Holy’.
That being said, Good Friday is undoubtedly the most dichotomous day in all of human history. On one hand, the Author of Life endured the most barbaric and inhumane treatment at the hands of those he had created, which can only be described as the epitome of evil. On the other, this was the decisive moment in God’s plan to conquer evil forever.
Jesus’ crucifixion stands as the most damning exposé of human sin, yet it was also the very means by which God reconciled himself to sinners. It was an act of unimaginable evil on the part of human beings, and unfathomable good on the part of God.
Good Friday is Good News because Jesus paid the penalty of sin for all who are willing to put their faith in him. In Jesus’ grisly death, God’s good purpose of loving and redeeming the world is proclaimed.
And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.
Colossians 2: 15